We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Head Office

Biotop P&P International GmbH
Hauptstrasse 285, 3400 Weidling

Phone: +43 2243 304 06
E-mail: office@biotop-pools.com

Our opening hours

Monday to Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm


Helene Polak as owner and managing director of Biotop

Helene Polak BA
Owner, Managing Director

Marion Hanek CEO at Biotop

DI Marion Hanek
Managing Director

Technology & Production

Jakob Schelker Head of Technology at Biotop

Dr. Jakob Schelker
Head of Technology, R&D
Registered manager

Cornelia Oesterreicher Technology RD and Head of Laboratory at Biotop

Cornelia Österreicher, MSc
Technology, R&D, Head of Laboratory

Katinka Hurch Technology and RD Expert at Biotop

DI Katinka Hurch
Technology, R&D

Julia Lackner Technology and RD Expert at Biotop
Julia Lackner
Technology, R&D

Mona Stracke Technical RD and Laboratory Staff at Biotop
Mona Stracke
Technology, R&D, Laboratory

Jennifer Griess export at Biotop

Jennifer Grieß
B2B Support & Web Content Specialist

Finance & Export

Jasmin Noebl CEO at Biotop

Mag. Jasmin Fede-Nöbl
Managing Director

Sibel Bauer, BA
Financial management, assistant to the management

Helga Gurmann export manager at Biotop

Helga Gurmann
Head of Export

Alexandra Zeillinger export at Biotop

Alexandra Zeillinger

Stefanie Altmann Accounting and Personnel at Biotop

Stefanie Altmann
Accounting, Personnel

Brigitta Nemeth
Accounting, Personnel

B2B & Events

Susanne Muellersen B2B and Partner Recruitment at Biotop

Susanne Müllersen
B2B, Partner Recruitment, Events


Mario Micheler Marketing Management at Biotop

Mario Micheler, BA
Head of Marketing

Jacqueline Landmann Graphic Design at Biotop

Jacqueline Landmann, BA
Graphic Design

Anni Pellizari Marketing Project Manager at Biotop
Anni Pellizari, MSc
Project Manager, Marketing


Nini Quester Office Management at Biotop

Nini Quester
Office Management

Production & Logistics

Christian Steinbichler Head of Production and Purchasing at Biotop

Ing. Christian Steinbichler
Head of Production & Purchasing
Registered manager

Jury Tagunoff Deputy Head of Production Technical and RD at Biotop

Ing. Jury Tagunoff
Deputy Head of Production, Technology, R&D

Dejan Todorovic Production and Logistics at Biotop

Dejan Todorovic

Johann Christely employee in production and logistics at Biotop

Johann Christely

Pawel Otawa employee in production and logistics at Biotop

Pawel Otawa

Alexander Molacek specialist in production and logistics at Biotop

Alexander Molacek

Norooz Rostami specialist in production and logistics at Biotop

Norooz Rostami

Otto Diviak employee in production and logistics at Biotop

Otto Diviak

Groundskeeper & Caretaker

Pirmin Huber groundskeeper and caretaker at Biotop

Pirmin Huber



Helene Polak as owner and managing director of Biotop

Helene Polak BA
Owner, Managing Director

Lukas Wiehart employee in planning and renovation at Biotop
DI Lukas Wiehart
Planning & Renovation
+43 2243 304 07 15

Daniel Wenk Planning and Project Management at Biotop

DI Daniel Wenk
Planning & Construction supervision
+43 2243 304 07 14 

Christoph Fruehwald service management at Biotop
Christoph Frühwald
Service Manager
+43 2243 304 07 19

DI Petra Kletzer
Construction supervision
+43 2243 304 07 39

Kristof Vandor
Construction supervision
+43 2243 304 07 29

Finja Dyson

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