Service during the year

Overview of Care and Maintenance Tasks Throughout the Year

The digital Service Brochure summarizes the most important maintenance task and explains how to use our pool care tools. If you would like to schedule a maintenance visit for your pool, please contact your local Biotop Partner.

Service Brochure PDF


  • Cutting back plants and removing dead plants and plant parts
  • Starting up the circulation and filter system after winter (March)
  • We recommend a Small Service including vacuuming of sediment from the pool bottom

The reed plants should be cut back in spring. The water plants can be fertilized regularly starting in April. Water lilies can be fertilized using the Biotop fertilizer lance.


A summer afternoon at the Natural Pool

  • Clearing of proliferating water plants
  • Checking the water level and adding water if necessary
  • Small Service if necessary (can be performed several times each year)

A certain amount of algae build-up is part of a natural pool’s annual cycle. There are many environment-friendly ways of counteracting this algae growth.



  • Setting up the leaf protection net (if applicable)
  • Preparing the machinery for winter
  • Cutting back plants if required (Biotop recommends a Large Service every 3-5 years)

To maintain the water quality, as few leaves as possible should be allowed to fall into the pool. A leaf protection provides efficient prevention.

Setting up the leaf protection net


Even in winter a feast for the eye

Prepare your Natural Pool or Living-pool for winter in time and enjoy the beauty of a frozen pool surface.

  • Remove leaf protection net (before the first snowfall)

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